Friday, March 24, 2006

RESULT + ................

Today 24 march 2006, result is being released at NPAL. Woke up at 7am and then turned on the com. and logged in to NPAL and saw my result. It is much better than last sem. Phew. Then went for a swim at the swimming complex again. 50 cents for 2hours, quite worth it. Came back home for lunch, took a 30mins nap before going out. Went to Bugis, shop for awhile then walked to Sim Lim and bought some stuffs. Was looking for games to buy but in the end couldn't find any that I liked so went home. Then saw my friend, talked for a minute and left. Then came back home, went to see got nice comics or not then went home opened letter box and saw a bill and NP mail. The result slip was mailed to us, opened it and let my parent see.

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