Its CIP Day again! About the PBL, we are almost done. We got all the informations and things we needed, just have to finalise everything and then put it into powerpoint. Kind of unexpected slow, didn't expect the "perfect transformer" to be so slow. Haha. Price and model of workstations, desktop and notebook, Floorplan/layout of the office, overall budget, software, networking...etc
Next week, we will have to present our PBL. Pretty fast lor, didn't notice that 1month had already passed. Its already 30 Nov.
CIP lecture:
Learn about Dreamweaver. Wow. Thats pretty cool, at least we learnt something new and more interesting than the previous lecture.
Voila C'est Tout.
Merci. Bonjour & Salut.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Life for today.........
Today is Monday, school starts again which means SiaNzzz. Haha, felt kind of wierd, like the whole world having holiday. Go in the train, croweded. People around my age, wear super & joke no peoples' business. Whenever i saw it, i will think back whether last time i was like them. Haha, actually i think my friends and I were even worst than them. Can't imagine actually we were such a nuisance. But it was fun and nice, not like now, everyone just scattered around and do own business. Never contact at all, like strangers, even see each other on the streets also pretend never see.
Nevermind about got OCOM rehearsal 1. Next next week, is the actually presentation. Well, everything went quite well. I was kind of nervous & scared, first time sia, I saw my hand shaking! Shaked like last time do chemistry. Really bad. But after quite sometime, kind of stopped shaking. Hmmm, don't know why.
Then went for PSP interview. Pretty okie, kind of like an interview on Honesty. Haha. Anyway, the whole day was pretty normal, nothing special happened.
Merci. Bonjour & Salut.
Nevermind about got OCOM rehearsal 1. Next next week, is the actually presentation. Well, everything went quite well. I was kind of nervous & scared, first time sia, I saw my hand shaking! Shaked like last time do chemistry. Really bad. But after quite sometime, kind of stopped shaking. Hmmm, don't know why.
Then went for PSP interview. Pretty okie, kind of like an interview on Honesty. Haha. Anyway, the whole day was pretty normal, nothing special happened.
Merci. Bonjour & Salut.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Borin' Day usual, Soccer night but tonight not watching all of it la...Only watching EPL today.
Just watched the SEA games, Soccer match. Singapore VS Laos: 1-0; Singapore defeated Laos. Gd news.
1 shocking matter that i found out today, hw come got people typed rubbish in my tag/chatter BOX. What " I love you"...who is that crazy person anyway. Pls kindly label yourselves, Thanks.
And Ah Seng, you don't have to tell the whole world about dino. It already extinct, we all know that. (HAHA) Anyway, my sheep's instinct is telling me. That crazy person should be a GUY.
Okie. Forget about that thing, not worth it to waste my time on crazy stuffs & peoples.
Hmm...after reading Ah seng's crazy blog. Tryin' to figure out what is wrong with his thinkin'....haha...short and simple yet carried lots of "?????".....
Maybe this phrase here can help:
" If you don not open your heart, others' heart will always remain closed to you."
By Jean Jacques Rousseau
However, must always have caution with anyone. Everything had changed, it is because environment changed, so people adapted to it.
I got a own theory which i think is incomplete somewhere. Why did people become friends? Because all living things depend on each others, you got something i need, so i become your friend. Another word, it is like making use of each other. (Of coz, this thinkin' come out after i'm betrayed by my friends and studyin' of some books) Don't
Merci. Bonjour & Salut
Just watched the SEA games, Soccer match. Singapore VS Laos: 1-0; Singapore defeated Laos. Gd news.
1 shocking matter that i found out today, hw come got people typed rubbish in my tag/chatter BOX. What " I love you"...who is that crazy person anyway. Pls kindly label yourselves, Thanks.
And Ah Seng, you don't have to tell the whole world about dino. It already extinct, we all know that. (HAHA) Anyway, my sheep's instinct is telling me. That crazy person should be a GUY.
Okie. Forget about that thing, not worth it to waste my time on crazy stuffs & peoples.
Hmm...after reading Ah seng's crazy blog. Tryin' to figure out what is wrong with his thinkin'....haha...short and simple yet carried lots of "?????".....
Maybe this phrase here can help:
" If you don not open your heart, others' heart will always remain closed to you."
By Jean Jacques Rousseau
However, must always have caution with anyone. Everything had changed, it is because environment changed, so people adapted to it.
I got a own theory which i think is incomplete somewhere. Why did people become friends? Because all living things depend on each others, you got something i need, so i become your friend. Another word, it is like making use of each other. (Of coz, this thinkin' come out after i'm betrayed by my friends and studyin' of some books) Don't
Merci. Bonjour & Salut
Friday, November 25, 2005
No Tennis for Today & Nxt week! Friday
As usual, today is Friday; which means there is S&W. S&W is fun but the time slot isn't gd. 8am is the lesson, i need to wake up at 6am. It is really jialat. Today was the worst, went for lesson. It was raining and then no tennis lesson; ended up doing exercise at the swimming pool.( Coz got nicer scenery) And they annouced that there will not have any S&W next week. Not sure whether it is something that is worth celebrating or not. But 1 thing i'm pretty sure is worth it. Can sleep longer.
After S&W got CATS, really average...nothing special. Then got Ocom project, met up to have a rehearsal. We bought foods up to the room and ate, we hid under the table to prevent the librarian to catch us. Everything won't pretty smooth, we figured out that there were lots of mistakes and problems with our speech.
After everything, rush off to the dentist. Didn't bring any money with me. I told the dentist to put it on credit while I went home to take. Haha, but in the end, i managed to find my mum, so I asked her to bring the money lor. Then the dentist gave me the regular check-up but this time added new stuffs inside the teeth. 2 loops and 2 rubber bands. These items are used to help me push or pull my lower teeth inside. OMG. This is hell ar.....
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" by Winston Churchill
Haha....this is damn true. However i thinks there is more in this phrase. Perhaps, just change the way and how u look at things, the angle you look at certain things. There are 360 degrees for all of us to look at an item, but why most the time people doesn't look things /situations in all angle. We just look at it as what it is, we need to look/read what is beneath it.
Merci. Bonjour & Salut.
After S&W got CATS, really average...nothing special. Then got Ocom project, met up to have a rehearsal. We bought foods up to the room and ate, we hid under the table to prevent the librarian to catch us. Everything won't pretty smooth, we figured out that there were lots of mistakes and problems with our speech.
After everything, rush off to the dentist. Didn't bring any money with me. I told the dentist to put it on credit while I went home to take. Haha, but in the end, i managed to find my mum, so I asked her to bring the money lor. Then the dentist gave me the regular check-up but this time added new stuffs inside the teeth. 2 loops and 2 rubber bands. These items are used to help me push or pull my lower teeth inside. OMG. This is hell ar.....
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" by Winston Churchill
Haha....this is damn true. However i thinks there is more in this phrase. Perhaps, just change the way and how u look at things, the angle you look at certain things. There are 360 degrees for all of us to look at an item, but why most the time people doesn't look things /situations in all angle. We just look at it as what it is, we need to look/read what is beneath it.
Merci. Bonjour & Salut.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
What is Life? Past? Present?
Who do not have a past? Everyone has a past....memories. Good, happy bad, sad, etc. Is keeping bad/sad memories a terrible thing? If there is a machine or technology for people to forget selective memories, will it be popular? Brain-washing....clearing up of stuffs, perhaps it is a good ideas. Our brain is like the computer, when the computer stored up and process too many will if a person's brain stored up too many things and think alots....that person will " Hang" too.
"I'm a slow walker, but I never walk backwards" by Abraham Lincoln.
"Do not be afraid of growing up but be afraid of standing still."
I found this phrase really nice and true. Nevermind if you are a slow walker as long you don't walk backwards, you are advancing. We need to learn from our mistakes and grow with it, don't always make the same mistakes. A wise man learns and grows from his own mistakes but a genius learns and grows from others mistakes.
However, a person without memories or past is consider as not existed. Its only when people meet obstacles and they could not overcome....hoping for a fast and easy solutions...either they commit suicide or they just ranaway. (This is my solutions la, I not sure of others.)
"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." by Henry Ford
Merci. Bonjour and Salut.
"I'm a slow walker, but I never walk backwards" by Abraham Lincoln.
"Do not be afraid of growing up but be afraid of standing still."
I found this phrase really nice and true. Nevermind if you are a slow walker as long you don't walk backwards, you are advancing. We need to learn from our mistakes and grow with it, don't always make the same mistakes. A wise man learns and grows from his own mistakes but a genius learns and grows from others mistakes.
However, a person without memories or past is consider as not existed. Its only when people meet obstacles and they could not overcome....hoping for a fast and easy solutions...either they commit suicide or they just ranaway. (This is my solutions la, I not sure of others.)
"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." by Henry Ford
Merci. Bonjour and Salut.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
CIP is the "CIP day" Today's posting will only have contents about the module CIP.
CIP=Computing and information Processing. (Should be right la)
This module has help me better understand the world of IT. I think it will be pretty useful. :)
Everyone in this module will be given a project;PBL 1: Setting a IT office( something like that la) When this PBL was told to us, our Group decided to act fast. 3 members of our team went down to Funan, IT mall and Sim Lim Square to check and gather information for the project. We note down all the "brand" of softwares we needed. We had gather enough information for almost everything and we spilt up the job among the group. Thats all for now.
Merci. Bonjour & Salut
CIP=Computing and information Processing. (Should be right la)
This module has help me better understand the world of IT. I think it will be pretty useful. :)
Everyone in this module will be given a project;PBL 1: Setting a IT office( something like that la) When this PBL was told to us, our Group decided to act fast. 3 members of our team went down to Funan, IT mall and Sim Lim Square to check and gather information for the project. We note down all the "brand" of softwares we needed. We had gather enough information for almost everything and we spilt up the job among the group. Thats all for now.
Merci. Bonjour & Salut
Monday, November 21, 2005
Every Wed. : Blog about the module CIP.
Okie, this is what i decided, for every wed. This blog will be about CIP.
Life goes on as usual. When there are people living in fear everyday, there are also people living in peace. Haiz. Why isn't the world fair?
Saw my ex-schoolmate/buddy today, talked to him and he told me that he is still in the secondary school. Currently, Sec.4....haiZ. It has been awhile since we meet and talk. He isn't a bad person but in others view, he isn't a good person. I can tell that he is frustrated about his life. He smoked, he drink, he fights....everyday....he just couldn't sit down and study. He just could not give up everything and restart his life. Or perhaps the situation and environment doesn't give him a chance. And I couldn't do anything for him, he once talk me out from the" " but now why couldn't he save himself and i couldn't save him. I'm a useless " ". A " ".
If everything could restart nice....
I will not abandon.....again....I won't runaway again........ever again!
To my that friend:
I pray that you will get out of that place soon, i know its hard. But you are already way behind...didn't you tell me you are sick and tired of this boring life. F*** you!!....since you told me that then why are you continuing...........
Merci. Bonjour & Salut.
Okie, this is what i decided, for every wed. This blog will be about CIP.
Life goes on as usual. When there are people living in fear everyday, there are also people living in peace. Haiz. Why isn't the world fair?
Saw my ex-schoolmate/buddy today, talked to him and he told me that he is still in the secondary school. Currently, Sec.4....haiZ. It has been awhile since we meet and talk. He isn't a bad person but in others view, he isn't a good person. I can tell that he is frustrated about his life. He smoked, he drink, he fights....everyday....he just couldn't sit down and study. He just could not give up everything and restart his life. Or perhaps the situation and environment doesn't give him a chance. And I couldn't do anything for him, he once talk me out from the" " but now why couldn't he save himself and i couldn't save him. I'm a useless " ". A " ".
If everything could restart nice....
I will not abandon.....again....I won't runaway again........ever again!
To my that friend:
I pray that you will get out of that place soon, i know its hard. But you are already way behind...didn't you tell me you are sick and tired of this boring life. F*** you!!....since you told me that then why are you continuing...........
Merci. Bonjour & Salut.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Night of GOALs!
9.30am now.....slept at 5am in the morning. I watched soccer from 9pm-5am.
Wigan VS Arsenal
A superb play by both sides, esp Wigan with a superb comeback but it was a pity that they didn't level up the score. 2-3 and Wigan lost to Arsenal.
11pm-1am: Chelsea VS Newcastle United
A suprising starting line-up of the toons shocked me. Neither shearer nor owen is in the list. The blues destroyed the toons in 7mins after the start of the second half. Both Cole and Crespo did well and a late goal from duff secure 3pts for the blues. 3-0; Chelsea won.
Time for me to rest. I slept for 2hrs or even less and woke up for the La Liga Classic. I set 3 alarm clocks to make sure i will be awake on time.
3am-5am: La Liga Classic; Real Madrid VS FC Barcelona
Real Madrid:Iker Casillas, Roberto Carlos, Ivan Heguelra, Salagado, Sergio Ramos, Beckham, Pablo Gracia ,Zidane, Robinho, Raul, Ronaldo.
Barcelona: Victor Valdez, Edmilson, Marquez, Oleguer, Puyol, Deco, Messi, Gio, Xavi, Eto, Ronaldinho.
The match was amazing, esp Barcelona. They are basically superb, no words could describe their football. It is simply magic. It was worth waking up in 3am to watch the match, definitely worth it. Just 15mins, Eto'o gets his name on the scoreboard. A superb effort and pass by young star, Messi, created the chance for Eto'o to score. Young star, Messi continue to give troubles to Real's defence and he nearly score twice. Iker Casillas blocked 2 shots from young Messi.
The Catalans continue to wreak havoc in the second half, there wasn't any answer from the Galacticos. The Catalans had totally control the whole game, although the scores were only 0-1. Just when i thought everything will end as 0-1,in the 60mins, Ronaldinho scored with a magical solo performance. He ran past the Real's defence with his magical foots and scored.
In the 77mins, here came Ronaldinho again. He scored the magical goal and earned ovation from the Bernabeu faithful and the Barca Fans. Final Score: 0-3
Woke up in my sleep. Suddenly felt that my left hand joint not in line/not connected to my shoulder. Shock and painful. I tried to fixed in back, it took me a while to get my arm back again. Almost thought that i lost an arm.
Merci. Bonjour and Salut.
Pictures from
Saturday, November 19, 2005

Today is Saturday....feeling really excited. Can't wait for 20 nov, 3am to come. Real madrid VS FC Barcelona. The La Liga Classic. OMG!!!!!....How can any Soccer Fans miss such match.
I'm a Robinho Fans but a Barca fans....haha...don't know who to cheer for. Just hope the best team win and we get to see a exciting match. is around 11.39am on my Com time. Still need to wait for a while till night time. Btw. There are nice EPL matches tonight too. Wigan VS Arsenal, Chelsea VS Newcastle United.
Wigan the super black horse. They are currently second place in the EPL standings. Who can believe their eyes that the Big 4 in EPL is struggling expect for Chelsea. Just hope i can make it back in time to watch both the EPL matches. Going to the concert soon....haiz...don't really like to go out but it has been like months that i had went out on Weekends.
Back at Home liao....8.02pm...went to the buddhism gathering and then to S-11 and ate with my friends. First talk abt the buddhism gathering thing;hmm...everything was pretty ok la. Friendly people and interesting thing they do. Lastly, ate at somewhere near S-11. 2 MJC guys....Ronald and Bing long, met them up for tea, then rushed home for dinner. However, reached bus interchange, the Quene for Bus 969 was damn long then i decided to take 39 which take the longer route but it is pretty empty. Slept through the whole journey and almost over-slept, luckily i woke up in time to get off the bus.
"I made my mistakes. Got nowhere to run. I'm sick of this life, i just wanna scream. I can't explain what happened and I can't erase the things i've done."
Merci. Bonjour & Salut.
Pictures from
Friday, November 18, 2005
My day
Today is Friday, a pretty short day. 8-12. Had tennis lesson from 8-10, it was terrible. Tennis lesson ended up like ball-picking lesson or baseball lesson. Hope i can get the trick soon or else i will be picking up balls for the rest of my semester.
After tennis lesson, got CATS, hmmm....a pretty boring module also. But must go, it is compulsory for all year 1 students. Really terrible, wonder does other poly hav such stupid thing or not.
After that, had lunch at the cafe. Ate the chicken curry with rice.(Not really nice. Pretty average) Then want to go home. But my friends wanted us to sign up for the camp aden. Stood infront of the booth, thinking whether to go or not. In the end, we decided to let the 10 cents coin decided the fate. We flicked the coin, and it came out that we shouldn't go for the camp. So we left the booth, on our way to the bus stop. Feeling v guilty abt PSing my 2 friends, we decided to go back to the booth and flicked coins again. This time, we flicked 20 cents and 1 dollars coins.
Finally, the coins told us to join and we signed up for the camp.
Going out tml. Got to 2 appointments, first i need to go to a concert which i duno what it is abt. Second, got lunch or high tea with 2 guys from MJC.
One more thing that sucks. The school of BA wants all the BA students to choose courses for nxt year. OMG. I'm still considering which 1 should i sign up for.
Tourism and resort management.
International Economics and Finances
Finances for International Trade.
Bonjour and Salut. Merci.
After tennis lesson, got CATS, hmmm....a pretty boring module also. But must go, it is compulsory for all year 1 students. Really terrible, wonder does other poly hav such stupid thing or not.
After that, had lunch at the cafe. Ate the chicken curry with rice.(Not really nice. Pretty average) Then want to go home. But my friends wanted us to sign up for the camp aden. Stood infront of the booth, thinking whether to go or not. In the end, we decided to let the 10 cents coin decided the fate. We flicked the coin, and it came out that we shouldn't go for the camp. So we left the booth, on our way to the bus stop. Feeling v guilty abt PSing my 2 friends, we decided to go back to the booth and flicked coins again. This time, we flicked 20 cents and 1 dollars coins.
Finally, the coins told us to join and we signed up for the camp.
Going out tml. Got to 2 appointments, first i need to go to a concert which i duno what it is abt. Second, got lunch or high tea with 2 guys from MJC.
One more thing that sucks. The school of BA wants all the BA students to choose courses for nxt year. OMG. I'm still considering which 1 should i sign up for.
Tourism and resort management.
International Economics and Finances
Finances for International Trade.
Bonjour and Salut. Merci.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
My first blog!!!!
Omg, this is my first blog sia. I don't know what the hell i should be psoting and why should i be posting. I'm kana forced to start a blog, I swear. It is true. This blog was created just because of 1 module. How great that module is huh. (WTF.) Anyway, look on the bright side, just treat it as a start to something new and fresh.
Today is thursday. A pretty short and boring day. It rains in the morning around 5.30am, I woke up and found out that it was raining. Recently, really like to listen to "simple plan- untitled" This is why this blog is call untitled.
Okie...last thing want to say. Bonjour and Salut.
Today is thursday. A pretty short and boring day. It rains in the morning around 5.30am, I woke up and found out that it was raining. Recently, really like to listen to "simple plan- untitled" This is why this blog is call untitled.
Okie...last thing want to say. Bonjour and Salut.
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